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AboAboutAbout the album Secrets.


What is this cd about?

Isobella Caroline:  It is a cd about love, life and everyday life. The feelings we feel when it comes  to relationships, people we meet, emotional ups and downs ,and life in general.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and editDo you write your own music?


Isobella Caroline:  Yes, I do. Song writing , is like poetry to me. Actually ,it is poetry. Musical Poetry. Rebellious Poetry.

I'm WDODo you train your voice?

Isobella Caroline: Yes, but I love to work out, so I find dance and working out really strengthen you.

Love and Life

I'm a paragraph. CliWhy did you name it Secrets?


Isobella Caroline: 

Lets see, first I found the name to be cool, "Secrets"  As we all have some. Then I found it mysterious, as if every song, as if you can see by the Album I labeled it Secret 1, Secret 2, and so on. Perhaps I wanted it to fill a puzzle. Something mysterious.


It appeared to work, as not every song is on this particular cd. One song, that was reviewed was called "Hold Me Close" It was reviewed and called unique and mysterious. In fact I was told it reminded the reviewer of a vampirish song.  That it would be wonderful to see the song with a Bela Lugosi Clip/ so I did it. It seemed mysterious.


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